Norma Clayton-Ivy

Class of 1974
(Identifies with Class of 1973)


(There are some parts where the  video is just sound)

*Transcript Was Computer Generated*

Video 1

thank you so much for
agreeing to participate in this
interview let’s start off with the
questions can you introduce yourself my
name is norma clayton ivey
cop cup which stands for college of the
pacific my class is
graduating class 1974
but i identified with the class in 1973
because i marched with them march for
what graduation okay how did you learn
about pacific
i learned
about pacific through my high school
counselor her name
was and now it escapes me mrs thomas
juanita thomas
she is the one that introduced me to
and she gave my parents a application
to fill out what made you choose pacific
because a dear friend of mine
joyce parish how
who was in callison at that time came
down to visit
me in oakland california
and she had she talked to my parents
my mother who is still alive and my
and she convinced them
to have me go to pacific
and also my counselor said that pacific
was a difficult school to get in for
black people and that if i got in
that was a
how would i say it was a blessing
what are you currently doing now
i am currently retired
what brought you back to the campus
what brought me back to campus was
the death
the untimely death of of a dear
classmate his name was robert thompson
tucker excuse me robert tucker
and um
we heard about his death
in february of 2006
and a group of alums
we started to talk
about getting together
and one of the alums is one of my
dearest friends
her name is
penny henderson beeman
class of 1973
and she
sent me an email telling me that
she was coming to california because she
right now in virginia
and that we should get together
and so i started
contacting hotels
and different venues that we could have
a an event
and at that time
i said no
you need to go back to the university to
see if they could help
in some kind of way
and that’s how it started
i got marilyn salisbury who was also the
class of 73 to help me and then
i started emailing
people i knew
and asked him
well tell them about the reunion and
they said who’s helping you when i said
uh just me and marilyn or
sometimes i would just say me
and that’s how it started
so we came back
i came to the university
the alumni office
and i had a talk
with the
director who was bill cohen at that time
and he asked me what do you want the
reunion to be
i said
this year in october 2006.
so that we got
a list of names and they were really
surprised of
how i had to explain to them
if i highlight
the pages
of people
you wouldn’t be able to see the page
and they were really surprised because
there were
really no document true documentation of
us because during the 70s government
the government said that they could not
code us
by our race
so my name i never received anything
about about alumni
my name was in a general pool
so when they they were really surprised
after we went through the yearbooks and
the pictures of us they were really
so to make a
story short
we got it together we came here
in october
and um
most of the program
i had started the program
and then we
fought the committee found
tune it
and we had our first reunion
over i would say about 100 or more came
from the group of 1970s
we were all shocked about how much the
university had changed even though
i lived right there in i live in
sacramento and i would bring my children
on campus but i never came to any event
at the university
so we had three days
of reunions
the current students at that time were
not aware of black alumni
they were invited to one of our dinners
and they really enjoyed
that saturday
took a vote
and decided that we would start a club
and then um
the rest is history
so now our club is one of the leaders we
were the first affinity group
on campus
and um we have dead
a lot of work
working with students
in our communities
we have done over 100 events
so we became a leader on this campus
as far as alumni goes
we raise money for the alumni house
we also raised money for
the knowledge is power
study room
in the library
and we have done
essay contests
and we also have done black graduation
since 2012.
can you name the groups clubs and
organizations that you participated in
or did you already list them all
was in
i was a member of the black student
i was the corresponding secretary
i was the chair for the black ball for
two years
it was a it was a wonderful affair
and then i was also
a not a cheerleader but a dancer for the
university of pacific
we were called women of song
what was it like living or being on
it was fun
so like did you
um live on campus like all four years or
was it yes i lived on campus okay i
lived on campus
it was a different environment
for me i grew up in an african-american
and coming to pacific was a shock
but i met some wonderful people here
not all my friends were not all
african-american but the majority were
i enjoyed going to the football games
i learned how to play
cards the game
called big wisps
i had
we got parties we did things we had a
black fashion show
i was
17 years well i had just turned 18. so i
was very young
and so it was a wonderful experience
the best thing i could say that happened
to me on this campus besides having good
friends and receiving a good education
was that i met my husband here
and that marriage lasted for 44 years
and nine months
he was not a graduate of pacific
he was a he was in graduate school at
the university of california at davis
he was one of the best
most knowledgeable person i knew in my
life and i’m forever grateful for having
him because
i’ve had three wonderful children
were you involved with cip
uh yes in the sense that i was not a cip
student because i didn’t graduate from a
school in stockton
but i was here the first year cip was
established and cip was a place that
welcomed all of us
that’s where we are
it was like a safe place on campus
they let us uh was on the top of
anderson y
which we could hold
we held our bsu meetings there
we always felt welcome under the
umbrella of cip
many of my friends
from the cip program
but to me
it didn’t make any difference because it
was just it
and still is a good program and then
what is a quote you want to go under
your picture
just trouble sir yes
and it cut off but luckily it was not
during when you were speaking before so
trailblazer okay yeah cause i have
started the club yeah
hopefully it will stay strong
thank you very much for it and
Video 2
see a lot of these people
kaylee i didn’t really know her but she
cordell sims
3 sims
some of these were older um
students because they had a program
called teacher core yeah
here are the day twins
linda and chris day
they grew up in sacramento for what i
could understand
they were seniors when i came as a
and that you have to get miss joy to
talk to you
she will talk to you because she can
tell you how many people
were who were african-american who were
on this campus
a lot of the me football players
at that time came from junior colleges
and then transferred in yeah
and i can say
many of them graduated
it’s one thing i loved about
the fall because we had football
and football was a way that we could
gather together and do our thing up in
the stands you couldn’t beat us dancing
in the stands we get in the middle
and we just have a good time then after
the game we went party
and you know we were even traveling one
time we traveled all the way to fresno
back then gas was like 89 cents or
whatever it was
we went to fresno
saw the football king
came back waited for the football
players and we partied at the top of the
see cause we had
we would listen to
uh k-u-o-p because we had black djs yeah
the school
sold the radio station and whatever they
did but
the community
embraced us
we were not afraid to go down
pacific avenue down to el dorado we were
not afraid
we would go visit like our friends who
were in cip
we would go with them to their parents
we would talk to them get to know them
when when i was a sophomore we had some
that came all the way
from the hbcus
they were working on their master’s
degree in chemistry
and um like when i would go home
sometimes i would take somebody home
okay when we went home that was real
load up on the food bring it back okay
that i would catch the bus go home
then my parents come up and get me
not really my father came here
i didn’t have a uh
i mean we were invited to come on campus
early you know to check it out
men check out nothing
all i saw was one picture
came here boom
it’s different atmosphere did i see miss
joy no i didn’t see miss joy until the
next day
i met
my first african-american
was penny henderson beeman
and we still talk
after all these years we all still talk
and that’s the beauty of us because
we would come together we knew what our
purpose was you know
my purpose was to be the godmother of
everybody and that’s what they told me
you will be the grandmother
you’re going to be the mommy of the
group well i’m past mommy age i’m
grandma group okay
so i would get
i would get upset with them they can
give me a career
they know
this is my passion
to make sure like i said that your
is a good experience
because i don’t want to
this school is not meant for everybody
everybody can’t come here yeah but
everybody should have the opportunity to
apply here that’s true and see
what they can offer you mm-hmm
i mean the small classrooms that’s good
that’s great
and it was small classrooms when i was
i was here when computers
were these big old huge things that
looked like refrigerators and they had
these big old wheels that went around
okay we did the scantron
test we even did test
um multiple choice i’m good on multiple
essays i don’t
i can write them but i’m good on those
multiple choice
my husband
god rest his soul could not stand
uh multiple choice or matching he could
not stand that he loved essay writing
interesting well he went to davis
when i went there to go visit him it’s
like 300 people in this class oh no
that’s just too many people for me
and so i mean it’s just
these books
there i wish you could have talked to
somebody like sharifah
she does not live here in california
she’s all
ways in southern
southern i mean in illinois
she can tell you some stuff see some of
these pictures i’ve never seen any of
these pictures in this yearbook because
i was gone
but this is 74. i
i think granite gave me my diploma in
january democargo
stan campbell
so many people this is
well you have to remember janine
it was a smaller campus oh really yes it
was much smaller
much smaller
this is george thompson
he was a dj at
do you want me and didn’t find this i
remember his name yeah does anybody’s
fine tony
he was the
um what
one of the people in student government
that’s professor larry walker
who was a professor in art
um that’s his daughter
i believe that is clarence williams
he was in graduate
school zimbabwe african rhythm wow yeah
that’s a lot of people
that were that’s a group
that is ralph george
Video 3
willie viney
they were football players
that’s alonzo carr
leave money again
lester williams
and that
is um
i think
email ransom
they were both cip
love williams
and he and he became a director of civ
i believe he was a director of civ
cannonball athlete he was a
famous musician
park terry musician
he was a guest artist that day
there i am and homecoming
tommy my highlight
katrina williams
i believe that’s michael mango
diane fallins
find the graduation pictures
it’s a shame you guys don’t have your a
well because if it doesn’t have your
books anymore
i believe
that this
this is jerry
right here
it’s been so long ago
mr lucas
charlene doesn’t remember it
louise otis
okay okay
and louise came from the same high
school it’s me and george
your pictures at
here we go here with salisbury
penny’s henderson beaming
i don’t remember who he is he’s in there
mind seeing your picture
oh yeah yeah
big change
i’ll get back to the football there’s
definitely a good picture of us
doing this about
here we go
jimmy carter
john joshua
oh okay
ozzie no me
noble notable
then there is
i could find okay of patricia
the other patricia
this is so long ago
and these two gentlemen they ran
we knew them
here we are
there is me
and that’s
is that eat up over there i think that’s
eda and that’s her child
billy jefferson
this is
barbara jones
lorraine dixon
linda day
they were upper these are upper class
some of these people were in teacher
here you go miss joy
i remember
this is
her name is adeja she calls herself a dj
it’s been so long since i looked to this

Norma Ivy, Carina Carey, Stockton, April 25, 2022.